About Jeff show
Linda Hirahara
Michael Kellicutt
Asuka LeHoty
Dave LeHoty
Andrea Mone
Dave Parker
Kirsten Parker
Bill Payne
Brian Quigley
Jeff Klagenberg
image index
Michael Kellicutt
How do I know Jeff?
I met Jeff when he began to exhibit at the Coastal Arts League in HMB. I was, early on, impressed by his photos and encouraged him to join the League, which he subsequently did. His photos are remarkable in that he shows a fine-tuned sensitivity to the subtle in nature. His eye sees at once what most other observers would pass right over the muted color, interesting pattern, the visual anomaly that arrests the attention of the sensitive |
Leaf Support
Particularly effective because of the isolation produced by the green against black. The green leaves and the branch produce a nice diagonal flowing from lower left to upper right which helps to draw your eye to the seed pod. Might be improved further by moving the seed pod closer to the upper left thirds point. |
Hawaii House
The use of light and the upper right thirds point combine to arrest the eye completely and force the viewer’s eye directly on the subject. |
Wet Brick
Effective use of contrast, texture and light to move the viewer’s eye to the subject. Title might more appropriately be ‘Wet Leaf’. |